Purgatory is a 4 player co-op Hero Defense game in which players battle hordes of enemies in order to defend their base. Inspired by the Tower Defense genre and games such as DOTA, League of Legends, and Diablo, we created a game where up to 4 players can fight cooperatively against large AI armies. Each player has a unique set of abilites at their disposal to combat the forces of heaven. Death is able to fear its enemies, making them harmless in combat, while Conquest can take over enemy minions. Famine can use diseases to infect entire armies and War is able to incite a rebellion amongst heaven’s ranks, causing them to fight each other.
One of the key features of Purgatory is the soul store where players can purchase items to make their character stronger. Using the souls of their defeated opponents as currency, players can upgrade sixteen different attributes of their horsemen with the items for sale at the soul store. This allows players to build their character in a different way every time they play.
As one of the three designers on the Project I worked on nearly every aspect of the game. From designing and balancing the abilities for every character to the level design, UI layout and writing. During the project I worked closely with people from every discipline involved in order to preserve and encapsulate the collective vision in the final product.
As one of the three designers on the Project I worked on nearly every aspect of the game. From designing and balancing the abilities for every character to the level design, UI layout and writing. During the project I worked closely with people from every discipline involved in order to preserve and encapsulate the collective vision in the final product.
Purgatory is a student project that was developed as a part of the International Game Architecture and Design Bachelor programme in the Netherlands. Purgatory was built in 30 days with a team of 3 designers, 4 programmers, 7 artists and 3 audio engineers.